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what is winqs?

WinQS is a construction cost estimating program for professional Quantity Surveyors, Estimators and Cost Engineers. Before the era of desktop estimating software, consulting firms used to prepare Bills of Quantities on Excel sheets, which was quite a tedious and time-consuming exercise.Nowadays, you have computer software like WinQS which can increase your productive output. The on-screen take-off technology makes measurement and bill preparation an easy task that can be completed within a short time

what does winqs do?

WinQS allows an estimator to enter measurements quickly on the take-off interface without requiring to create columns, rows, formulas and formatting as you would on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The estimating program saves time and it eliminates a lot of errors encountered in traditional spreadsheet bills.WinQS is An efficient, cost-effective software solution for Quantity Surveyors and Cost Engineers for the production of:

WinQS has seven modules that you can use on each phase of the contract. The most important modules are the Estimating, Bill Production, Progress Valuations, Cost Report and Payment modules. Let’s see how these modules function:


During the design stage, the architect works with the client to produce a sketch design that represents the main features required by the client. At this stage, there isn’t enough information to prepare a detailed Bill of Quantities, so the Quantity Surveyor has to prepare a Cost Estimate for budgeting purposes. This Cost Plan has to be within range with the actual project cost, so the rates should be derived from combined Bill items.

Cost Analysis Module 


Allows the extraction of values from a project based on a user defined sort key (eg Work Groups, Activities or Work Breakdown Structure) per area within a project including ratios. A full Elemental Cost Analysis with costs per area, ratios and cost per elemental unit can be produced.

Financial Review/Cost Report Module 

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This module allows a contract to be monitored and reported on as variances from the original Contract Value. It displays all the extras and savings in a periodic Financial Review/Cost report for full Cost Control and Reporting.


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The Estimator can prepare Bills of Quantities with WinQS during the pre-contract stage. A Tender Analysis module is available to analyze and evaluate tenders submitted by contractors. This module can show the Tender Adjudicator some critical information such as variances from the tender value, lowest price, highest price, bill cost distribution and the pricing structure of each bid in the form of reports.

Progress Valuations Module

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This module allows the calculation of monthly progress payments based on a percentage per Activity, or quantity or value per item per Location within a WinQS project.There is NO need to create a separate WinQS project or spreadsheet to do the monthly valuations. Once this module is applied to a WinQS project ALL the current WinQS quantities are LOCKED (and SAVED) as the Contract Quantities together with the Contract Rates.

Tender Analysis Module

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This module in WinQS allows up to 6 different rates to be analysed and a report printed. Evaluatation of a Tender document against an Estimate base rate will highlight anomalies in rates from each different tenderer as well as percentage variances from the base rate or estimate rate.

JBCC/CPAP Payment Module

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This module generates ALL the monthly payment certificate reports in terms of the JBCC 2000 Principal Building Agreement and includes:

  • CPAP (Escalation) Calculations
    in accordance with the JBCC 2000 Escalation Provisions.

  • Certificate, Notifications & Recovery Statements
    All the necessary reports are printed as required for the JBCC 2000 Agreement (May 2005 edition including PWD version)

  • JBCC Minor Works Agreement
    All necessary certificate & detailed report requirements for this Agreement are generated.

Modules of Winqs

Dimension X

DimensionX is created with smart estimating technology to fulfill the specific requirements of the quantity surveying and estimating practices.The software can mechanically create specialised cost libraries from real projects raising the exactness of estimating process.

Why DimX?

DimensionX is great for Quantity Surveyors because it provides a single integrated environment for capturing dimensions making the management and control of the costs associated with a construction project that much easier. Digital workflows dramatically reduce the reliance on paper...

Try DimX for Yourself

Download software and sample files and go through a product walkthrough to discover the benefits of dimesnionX for yourself.

Capturing Dimensions with what you have

We have several tools that assist with the take off in DWG, DXF and DWF files. Block Recognition and Poly-line Recognition for area and length measurement, automatic object counts, and of course we have really good tools to take the pain out of layers.

Reduce the Cost of Business

Making use of smart estimating technology, faster turn-around means less time spent measuring, verifying and more time spent running your business.

what does dimx can do?


DimensionX is created with smart estimating technology to fulfill the specific requirements of the quantity surveying and estimating practices.The software can mechanically create specialised cost libraries from real projects raising the exactness of estimating process.WinQS is integrated with dimensionX to allow WinQS to read these measurements directly. Currently dimensionX allows electronic drawings to be loaded & measurements can be “taken off” extremely accurately & quickly. NO CAD experience needed


  • NO embedded third party CAD software or licences to keep updated

  • A quick & simple easy-to-learn user interface

  • Written by Software Boffins (rocket scientists) & designed by QS’s

  • Marked Up drawings can be printed showing what was measured

  • Measurements can be printed and referenced

  • Areas, lengths & counts for any items can be measured

  • Perimeter length is AUTOMATIC when measuring an area

  • All area & length measurements include a “in No of” count

  • Saves all work for later reviewing/revising

  • Comprehensive on-screen Help system






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